educational robots photos

There are some games that you could buy to make little kids be in contact with programming!

makey makey: with this robot we can make kids undestant the electricity current and how to connect the cables with each command. They also can play to different games inside the app where they can experimentated with the connections they already made.

cubetto: with this robots students can comprehend  how making commands make the robots avanced, and also learn functions in programming. Obviously they also practice orientation.

matatalab: this game is very similar to cubetto but has more advanced functions such as loops or music.

Part 2

 Functions can be difficult to comprehend with little kids, however with cubetto is really easy.

With this app we can undestand them by playing with the pieces. The pieces have different functions such as rigt or left, but because the game has limeted pieces we can use a function to use more actions. The function would be explaines in the right part of the board of actions, and would be represented with the blue pieces.
