what is a cc?


Hey little readers, this week I learn that EVERYTHING HAS COPYRIGHT, so we need to be careful about it.

If you are a college student like me, you probably are constantly sharing searching or downloading pdf or ohotos about mainly everything right? So if you don`t wanna get sue or something worse you need to look for the CC (creative commons) and make sure that they are free of use and things like that.

These are some examples of things that I make, which means that they are my own, and to make sure that eveyone can use it, but without changing anything because I don't like people changing my work :)

As you can see at the bottem there are the Creative Commons licence that I choose for my content. As I said before; means that:  this content can be use to be share if it mantains the original form. It also can be use for commercial use.

Remember we are broke college students that don't want any problem with the police, so make sure that waht you use is FREE of use.

Have a nice day <3
