learn about computers, without computers!

Computers are now everywhere, and kids need to start to understand them at an early age. However, not everybody has a computer at home or just doesn't want to make their kids or students spend a lot of time in front of a screen. But do not worry because with some web we can still teach them about computers in a more manual way.

With webs like Hello Ruby and 1 from CS unplugged, we can be able to explain our students some computational thinking concepts that are a little bit complicated at the start. However, with the games and visual representation, they would feel engaged and all the concepts or specific parts of the computers would be much more easy for them to remember.

Also because they have to be active learners with the games and creative part, the information would be retained in their brains for much more time, and in the future when they want to expand their knowledge about it, would be easier because they already have a base.

Here are some examples of the games in Hello Ruby.




And one in CS Unplugged
