do you need info about feelings?


Hi friends! this week some friends and I were talking about our feelings, and we came upo with the idea of creating a save space to talk about them and recieve feedback or support. 

Maybe the best idea was to create a learning community where we can share ideas or give opinions about feelings because it is a topic that could be complex to understant, so if you feel that you need some help with this topic or you feel like you need someone to talk obout them, I HAVE THE SOLUTION, join our Telegram group :))

The name is "Feelings for kids" because sometimes we feel like kids, nah I'm joking is because we feel like we need a place to inform parents and teachers to educate the next society with a basis in emotional intelligence. 

This is the link: so please click here to join us.

This is a little spoiler of what we talk about there and the content we share, but as soon as we create a bigger community is going to be so much fun.

Maybe you ask yourselve why Telegram? Because if you are like me, you probably have never use this app, but it is really great.

Telegram Messenger is an instant messaging service for free and which can be used all over the world. It was developed by the brothers Nikolái and Pavel Durov in 2013. This service has specific settings which main objective is not only to create discussions between the users, but also a community of teamwork.

We have chosen this social network because it is linked to your own phone number so it is easier to create a profile. Even though you use the phone number, it is not going to be shown to other people unless you have them in your contact list, so in this aspect it respects your privacy and personal information. Another reason why we choose it is because Telegram can be used by all types of people (young or old) because in this social network you can sign up to any group you find about a topic you like because lots of them are public. Also because of this, Telegram has become a great social network to debate or receive feedback about any topic.
In this application, there can be 200.000 users in the same group who will be sending text messages, voice messages, images, links to webpages, and all types of messages at the same time, so the interaction is continuous and engaging.
As we said before, to be part of the Telegram community is not necessary to have wide technological knowledge. Moreover, it is a mobile application but can be linked to other devices such as computers.

Here me out!
I know that you are probably thinking that this is not interesting at all or that maybe you don't need it. But it is reaslly good for you, and I'm not saying this because is my Telegram group, but because it is really helpful. Using virtual learning communities is a great option to be connected and get a lot of information for any topic that you like (in this case is feelings). Moreover we have a lot of social networks that gives us the option to use our time in them, but maybe it would be better for us to use that time in something possitive and meanuinful that would create a better version of ourselves; and learning communities is the perfect definition of it. 
So please if you feel the necesity of helping others or yourself in a emotional way, please join me in Telegram and share the link.

ly so much, and remember, continous learning make us better.  
